Raymond Dumont
Heinrich Wehrlistrasse 10, 5033 Buchs
+41 62 842 20 60,
Revd Peter Grüter
Dufourstrasse 77, 9000 St. Gallen
+41 71 222 85 65,
Andreas Faessli
Grabenhalde 4, 4805 Brittnau AG
+41 79 211 70 12,
Responsible for the projects in English-speaking Africa
Beatrice Reusser Rüthy
Muristrasse 6 E, 3006 Bern
+41 31 351 26 12,
Responsible of the projects in French-speaking Africa
Franz Peter Murbach
Avenue de Bellevaux 30, 2000 Neuchâtel
+41 76 489 11 73,
Responsible for the projects in Asia
Raymond Dumont
Heinrich Wehrlistrasse 10, 5033 Buchs
+41 62 842 20 60,
Coordinator Energy Projects
Paolo Rossi
Via S. Michele 7, 6976 Lugano / Castagnola
+41 91 682 59 85,
Contact person for the Suisse romande
Curé Nassouh Toutoungi
Rue de la Chapelle 5, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
+41 32 968 44 13,
Contact person for the Anglican Church
Maxine Wildhaber
Justingerweg 18, 3005 Bern
+41 76 349 40 42,