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Ecumenical Lenten Campaign

Ecumenical Lenten Campaign

Ecumenical Lenten Campaign

Partner sein works closely together with other Swiss organisations which pursue similar aims, especially with the relief organizations of the two other sister Churches. Since 1993, HEKS, Fastenaktion and Partner sein appear on a common platform in the Ecumenical Lenten Campaign. Through the Lenten agenda, the poster action and media work a large part of the Swiss population is reached. Every Old catholic household is especially invited to donate to the Lenten Campaign, and many parishes organise or get involved in special events, particularly ecumenical, to increase the donations. In addition, a special mission collect is raised on Trinity Sunday (the Sunday after Pentecost) in every Old catholic church in Switzerland.

Since 1969 Fastenaktion and HEKS have particularly engaged themselves in their joint ecumenical campaigns to work against poverty and for the rights and dignity of people. Since 1993 Partner sein has actively worked together with them. Our ambition, to change peoples way of thinking and achieve our goals will be continued also in the campaign 2024.
Changed: 02.12.2023    Visits: 23 month