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Kindergarten Candijay

Kindergarten Candijay

New class books for parentless schoolgirls in Kitwe, Zambia

New class books for parentless schoolgirls in Kitwe, Zambia

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With your donation you are supporting disadvantaged persons and thus enabling them to go further in life.
The most effective method of donation is by way of a regular standing order to:

IBAN: CH32 0900 0000 2501 0000 5
Partner sein
Relief organisation of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland
3006 Berne

Partner sein is an institution of the Swiss Old Catholic Church which is freed from taxation. As such, donations to Partner sein may be deducted from your annual taxes (subject to your local Cantonal tax laws).

If you wish to support a particular project, please indicate it's name and project number on your payment. Here you can download the current project list.

During Lent the Old Catholic parishes raise funds for the Ecumenical Lenten Campaign. Your support of this campaign is also welcome. You can see the current Ecumenical Lenten Campaign by clicking here.
Changed: 21.11.2024    Visits: 44 month